Tag: fatalities

Truck driver causes fatal crash while choking on food

A couple weeks ago, we discussed some common behaviors drivers engage in that are likely to cause distracted driving accidents. Of course, every Illinois driver knows that texting while driving is illegal and dangerous, but there are plenty of other …

Illinois truck driver killed in explosive truck accident

Because of their sheer size and weight, truck accidents are often devastating regardless of the load the truck is carrying. But when a truck carrying volatile or hazardous materials is involved in a crash, the scene can quickly become a …

Chicago cop kills two drivers in fatal drunk driving crash

The public holds police officers in high regard. As such, we expect that they will act in the interest of public safety at all times, even while off duty. Recently, however, Chicago residents were horrified to hear about a fatal …

Chicago man faces criminal charges for passenger’s death in crash

We have previously written that lawsuits prompted by car accidents are not always as simple as one injured driver pitted against another. Sometimes, the injured or killed party was a passenger riding with an irresponsible driver at the time of …

Watch out for dangerous drunk drivers on Super Bowl weekend

For many Chicago residents, this Sunday will be devoted entirely to watching the Super Bowl and related coverage. Regardless of whether you watch it at a bar with friends or at a home party, chances are good that alcohol will …

Highway crash fatalities down in Illinois in last half of 2012

We’ve covered many fatal accidents in the Chicago area on our wrongful death blog. To our readers, and others who keep up with local news, it may seem like fatal accidents happen frequently in our region. And while it’s certainly true that …

CDC study: drowsy driving and fatal car accidents on the rise

Government and industry statistics state that anywhere from 3 percent to 33 percent of fatal car accidents are caused by drowsy drivers. And Chicago drivers may be interested in a new Center for Disease Control study that found that 1 …