Household/Family Members Exclusions in Motorists Insurance

Exclusions in a motorist insurance policy that deny coverage to members of an insured’s family or household may or may not be valid in a particular case. Further, several factors must be considered before an injured party may be found to be a member of an insured’s family or household. It is best to check current case law before accepting that these exclusions in a motorist insurance policy bar an injured person’s recovery from the insured’s policy.

Collision Coverage

Under the collision coverage provision of a policy, an insurer agrees to pay an insured for damage to a covered vehicle caused by an accidental occurrence that is typically described as involving a “collision” or an “upset.”

Role of Auto Accident Reconstruction Experts

Automobile accidents can be very messy. In order to determine what led to an accident, an automobile accident reconstruction expert can be employed. The expert will try to determine the most probable reason for the accident. Automobile accident reconstruction experts use information from the accident scene, witnesses, the damaged vehicles, and other sources to make conclusions about how the accident happened and, sometimes, why it happened. The expert can be called to testify at a trial on his or her conclusions in an effort to help the jury.

Setoffs and Uninsured Motorist Insurance Policies

Some state statutes allow uninsured motorist insurance companies to setoff amounts that an insured received from workers compensation, Social Security, and settlements with a liability insurance company. Therefore, if an insured were injured in a car accident while driving in the course of his or her employment, the insurance company could offset the uninsured motorist benefits in the full amount of the insured’s workers compensation judgment.

Insurance Coverage for Motorcycles

Whether it is warmer weather or increased fuel costs, more motorcycles are evident on America’s roads and highways. There is a greater danger involved in riding a motorcycle than in driving a car. As a result, insurance companies treat motorcycles and their riders differently than automobiles and their passengers. Such treatment does not violate the constitutional right of equal protection under the law.